This opportunity has closed.
Master Contract for Forest Road Infrastructure
Oregon State University (OSU) is conducting a competitive one-step RFPs to provide forest road infrastructure services on OSU’s College Forests statewide.
Firms interested in providing these services to OSU may submit a proposal in response to the RFP
Firms interested in providing these services to OSU may submit a proposal in response to the RFP
This is not an addendum it is the Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference Attendee List.
- Forest Infrastructure RFP 2025-017758 Non Mandatory Pre Proposal Conference.pdf
This Addendum is hereby issued to inform you of the following revisions and or clarifications to the above‐referenced RFP and/or the Contract Documents for the Project, to the extent they have been modified herein. Any conflict or inconsistency between this Addendum and the Solicitation Document or any previous addenda will be resolved in favor of this Addendum. RFP responses shall conform to this Addendum. Unless specifically changed by this Addendum, all other requirements, terms and conditions of the Solicitation Document and or Contract Documents, and any previous addenda, remain unchanged and can be modified only in writing by OSU.
- Forest Infrastructure RFP 2025-017758 Addendum 1.pdf
Award Documents
Pursuant to OSU Standard 03-015, OSU Construction Contracts Administration, a division of Procurement, Contracts and Materials Management (PCMM) is issuing this Notice of Intent to Award for the subject RFP.
- Forest Infrastructure RFP 2025-017758 Notice of Intent to Award.pdf