This opportunity closes on 08/13/2024 02:00pm  (17 days from now)

Dixon Recreation Center Improvements 2024 Design-Build (D-B)


Oregon State University (“OSU” and/or “Owner”) is conducting a competitive TWO-STEP Request for Proposals (RFP) process to retain ONE (1) Design-Build Team to provide design and construction services for the Dixon Recreation Center Improvements 2024 Design-Build (the “Project”).

OSU WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTING SEALED PROPOSALS ELECTRONICALLY - Proposals are to be submitted to by the Due Date/Time.

MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE/SITE-VISIT - A Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference/Site-Visit will be held on July 24, 2024, at 11:00 AM PT with attendees meeting at the front entrance to Dixon Rec Center 425 SW 26th St – Corvallis, OR 9733.

All questions shall be submitted via e-mail to by the Question Deadline in order to be addressed. The email subject line should contain the Solicitation Number/Name and Firm Name. 


