This opportunity has closed.

Reser Stadium Westside Completion Food Service Equipment


Oregon State University (“OSU” and/or “Owner”) is conducting a competitive Invitation to Bid (ITB) process to retain ONE (1) firm to provide services for the Reser Westside Completion Food Service Equipment (the “Project”).

OSU WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTING SEALED BIDS ELECTRONICALLY - Bids are to be submitted to by the Due Date/Time.

VIRTUAL MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE - A Virtual Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on June 1, 2022 at 10:00 AM PT via Zoom. Firms wishing to attend shall e-mail no later than 30 minutes in advance to receive the Zoom link. The email subject line should contain the Solicitation Number/Name and Firm Name.

All questions shall be submitted via e-mail to by the Question Deadline in order to be addressed. The email subject line should contain the Solicitation Number/Name and Firm Name. 



Award Documents
